07-29-01 Project Mayhem/Scott-Free @ Rembrant's Bar and Grill, Hicksville, NY

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(1-8 Scott-Free live)

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(9-35 Project Mayhem live)

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(36-40 Kizmet live  37 Ed watches  41 Amanda (Kizmet) and Jerry Joseph (Scott-Free)  42 Amanda, Dave, Jerry  43 Pat, Dave, Ed, Kevin, Matt  43 Take 2  44-48 Scott-Free Outside  49 Group Pic Outsride (l-r, t-b) Bryan, Marc, Pat, Matt, Ed, Jerry, Rob, Dan, Kevin, Dave  50 Take 2  51-52 LI Gravel  53 Scott-Free going on car  54 Rembrandt's Door  55-56 Ed at backdoor  57 Guy from Kizmet  58 Packing up  59 Pat  60-61 Scott-Free at car  62 Mr. Kigongo)  

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