11-03-00 Fighting Blindly @ Talent Show, CHSN, New City, NY

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(1. Matt Siegel, 2. Kevin self-picture, 3. Brian Tedesco and Justin Bonventure, 4. Kristen Marchetta (Haven), 5. Tedesco, 6. Matt, 7. Jackie Jedlicka, 8. Matt with hat, 9. Kevin and Haven, 10. Matt, Kevin and Haven (metal faces), 11. Matt, 12. Brian Bachor and Basme, 13. Kevin and Arielle Zadok, 14. Tedesco set-up, 15. Kevin on-stage, 16. Matt on-stage, 17. Ravers perform, 18. Haven perfomr, 19. Justin performs)

11-04-00 Talent Show After Party @ Kristen's House, New City, NY

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(1-2. Arielle Zadok)

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